Wednesday, July 16, 2008

We're coming home!

We are at the end of our Chinese travel and are coming home tomorrow! We will be leaving Thursday morning very early and arriving home Thursday afternoon! I'm so excited to see my girls and introduce Cece to them. They will have so much fun together. Thank you for all your prayers and support! We will be seeing you soon in the USA!!!!!
Karen and Rich

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Wonder of it All

Tuesday finds us one day closer to the 4 arms and 2 wiggling bodies that I can't wait to hold (yes you Abby and Jiji).

Being here at the White Swan gives me a glimpse at how wonderful our God's works are in this world. Leading up to this trip we felt that it was our journey and that it would be so unique, so specifically beautiful and special. Well, it is all of those and so much more, but this place brings to reality that our truth is also true for so many other families. I have heard on this trip and on the last that God builds families in so many ways and now 3 years after bringing Jiji home from this same place I know this statement is is truer than I could have ever imagined.

Just as I talked earlier of the beauty of the country and people of China, there is another beauty that is all around me right here in this hotel. It is the beauty of watching these families grow out of obedience to God's plan for them. If you have never considered adoption, you may not be able to fully understand what I mean. Some people are blessed with the ability to feel the growth of a child within them over the course of a regular pregnancy, others will choose to grow their families through various means of adoption, and still others will choose to never have a child in their family. We all have our reasons for wanting our families to be what they are. We each find our joys, sorrows, possibilities as we mature down our chosen paths. However, here in this hotel I am confronted daily by the richness, satisfaction, uncertainty, generosity, kindness, and selflessness of the families that I have encountered.

To say that they are all the same would be not understading the uniqueness of each of us as humans. They come from all different backgrounds. Rich, not so rich, married, single, they come from almost every country on the earth and all have the same respect for the treasure that they have been given. I have met people from Belgium that have had to wait 4 years to hold their children. I have met a family that has adopted 3 children with cleft pallets, and I met today a father who just adopted his first child into his already family of 8 children and is so excited for this newest addition. The saying, "it takes all kinds" comes to mind, but that is not truly the case.

There is another saying in the world of Chinese adoptions that says that we are all joined by a red thread that runs though our lives and connects us to each others destiny. Well, being one who has now adopted 2 wonderful Chinese daughters, I believe that this is truer than many of us will ever know. Each of these families has a wonderful story of the reason for their adoption, the hopes and dreams they have for their family, and how they feel about their new daughter or son. I wish that I had enough time to hear them all, I have no doubt they they would be heartfelt and inspiring. But I also believe that they would each have some of the same qualities and characteristics. Such as the love of life and of family, a great hope for the future, and the courage to do things that others would look at in wonder.

However, if you were on this side, you would wonder how you could not have done this thing. The peace, the joy, the journey to give these wonderful children a forever home, is just a small thing compared to the smiles, the laughter, the joy and the love that they pour out upon you and upon all that they meet.

Soon many of you will meet Cece, our latest miracle from God. We hope that you will see with wonderment the beauty and life that she is to us. And we hope too that you can see the love and thanks that we have for all of you who are attached to our daughter's red thread. We are continuously blessed by each of you.

May this day be full of joy, peace, love and life for each of you and for all who you love.

God bless you all,


Monday afternoon thoughts from China

Good afternoon! It is now Monday afternoon here in China. Cece is napping behind me in her crib and Rich is off to the toy market to find some good deals. Cece is doing great! She is eating well. So far, her favorite things to eat are bananas and the yogurt drink. She naps pretty easily in the afternoon for about 2 hours. She has been waking up a few times at night, but will usually go back to sleep within a half hour. She is just a little doll and is starting to be more social with others. She definitely is social with other children, as we've seen when she's had the chance. One thing she does not like now is water for baths or swimming. She did like swimming the first time with Rich, but the next time he tried to take her, she was upset. She did not like baths from the first day she was with us and that hasn't changed. She screams and tries to get out of the tub the whole time. So we do 60 second baths! Lilly, our guide said to try her in a smaller tub, so I tried to give her one in the sink, but without success. I'm sure when she is home with her big sisters in the tub, she will enjoy it!

Yesterday, Rich took her to the church for Mass. I ended up there late and it was standing room only. It's pretty awesome to be able to follow along in our english missal while the people are reading and speaking in Chinese. Then we headed off with our group to the toy market. There are actually 5 families here that are from our same agency. They are from all parts of the US, so it is fun to chat with them and meet their children. One family adopted a 10 year old and they brought their 11 year old daughter. The girls are getting along amazingly well! Very fun to see them interact.

We also went to the Pearl Market plaza yesterday. It just amazes me to see all the people there. It was Sunday afternoon, so it was packed. We stopped in at the KFC for an ice cream cone and there was only standing room and long lines. Angela, one of our guide's daughters, decided to accompany our family so she could practice her English. She is only 12, but does a great job. Then last night we went to Lucy's for dinner. It caters to the Americans with it's cuisine. We met a gentleman there that was from Germany but has been teaching English and German in China for 4 years. Such a diverse group here.

Today I did some local shopping around the hotel for Chinese outfits and Chinese gifts to bring back home. It's always fun to see the "very special" and "good quality" deals that abound! Tonight we are off on the Pearl River Cruise. It's hard to believe just 3 more days and we will be coming home to our daughters who we miss very much. Blessings to all, Karen

Dinner at Lucy's (Real american food! She loved the chicken congee)

More fun and smiles at the Swan Room

The adopted kids (in our group) on the famous red couch!

Here's the group from our agency (small world)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Good afternoon from the White Swan Hotel

Good afternoon to all. It is now Saturday afternoon in Guangzhou, China. We flew here yesterday afternoon. The American Consulate is here, so everyone adopting has to come here before entering back into the US. It is great to stay at this hotel because it caters to all the families who are adopting. It is so incredible to see all the families that are adopting! Everyone has their own unique story of how God brought each child into their lives.
Cece has definately become a mommy's girl. She wanted to sit on my lap the whole flight here! Since last Sunday when she was brought into our lives, she was ok with me for about the first day, then Tuesday and Wednesday she wanted Rich all the time. On Thursday, she decided I wasn't so bad and would let me hold her and put her to sleep. Now, she will go to either one of us, but does not like being held by strangers. This morning we had the health check up and she did not want the ladies who work there to pick her up. It is so amazing how quickly they start to bond and know mommy. She has such a sweet smile. We have seen her crazy, silly side now everyday for the last few days. She is quite the little ham, but only with us! She just likes to take everything in with those big eyes! When she goes to sleep, she likes to have her head stroked and sucks on a pacifier. She woke up quite a bit last night, I think because we are in a new place again and she is a bit off schedule.
I have to go complete some paperwork for the consulate now. God bless to all back home and a big hug to Abby and Jiji!
Love, Karen

Mom and Cece at the Doctor's office

Cece finding a friend for Buddy

Smily girl at the Swan Room (just for kids) at the wonderful White Swan Hotel (Good sharing!)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Our last day in Nanchang City

Good morning to everyone. As I write this, it is 1:00 in the morning the 10th of July in Spokane. We are getting very anxious to be back in America with our children and so many of you who are dedicated to supporting us with your prayers and words that remains so crucial and important to us in so many ways.

The part of this trip that will be hardest to hold onto over the years to come will be just how wonderful the people are here. we have been so fortunate and blessed to meet many people who are on journeys of their own. These people have had a hand on what we have been doing during our time in Nanchang. I want to write them down here to help remember. Mary and Little Karen have been our guides and have helped us to feel welcome and comfortable everyday. The staff at the Gloria Hotel have more than made up for the fact that this is a nice, but not great hotel. The wonderful hostesses at the Requin Wei Restaraunt have made our meals there fun and tasty while helping us to understand just what we were ordering.

Perhaps the groups of people that I am most grateful to are the staff, and Cece's foster family, of the Nanchang SWI orpahange. I can tell that she has been loved and cared for. It was about 24 hours before she would give up the world that she knew for the love and care that we offered. I believe that says a great deal for the comfort and familiarity that they offered her. While I am so grateful for her love and acceptance of Karen and myself, I hope that she will retain a special place in her heart for those who selflessley met her needs and calmed her cries until we arrived. I know that we will be eternally grateful for their preparation.

The people of Nanchange are beautiful in so many ways. The mastery with the art of porceline is spectacular. Their ability orchestrate traffic is a marvel that I hope we never see in Spokane (at least not on purpose). But to me, their most endearing quality is the love and curiosity that they have for Cece. So many times while we are walking, men and women will come up to us and talk to her, pat her head, and cup her face. Both old and young, rich and poor (as far as I can tell) take time to do this. After their talk with here is over, they give us a thumbs-up sign or tell us how beautiful she is and say that she is so lucky. So many times I have walked down these streets thinking that perhaps her birth mother is right their with us. As this feeling flows into my mind, I have prayed that God will let them know a peace about their child, even as she is going places that they have never heard of. I wish that I could tell them how lucky I am to be this child's father and how I long for her to know this beautiful land in the Jianxi province of China. But this is not how things work and so I trust God (the producer of all good things) and I get ready for whatever comes in my life and the life of His child Cecilia.

I will add some photos that we have taken around the city and a couple of videos as well. I do hope that the video thing is working (sorry if it is not).

May God bless each of you as I think you from the deepest part of my heart for helping me to be this child's father.

Dog and pig balloons for everyone!

The old ladies tree

This 5 year drew a special picture for us

World famous dancing waters

550 foot tall ferris wheel (yes, Karen did go with us to the top)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cece smile and swimming videos

Just a quick addon from yesterdays post for your enjoyment! Be sure to sheck out the pictures that we added below!
Blessings all!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Wednesday morning thoughts from Karen

Good morning to all! It's hard to believe that we have our precious daughter in our arms for good! She is such a blessing! It has been a crazy past few days since she was brought to us. She is so beautiful and keeps getting more so everyday in our eyes. Yesterday, Tuesday, she was fussy for most of the day. I think just all the changes, food, people, atmosphere, was a little overwhelming. In the write up from the orphanage, they wrote she was timid and a mommy's girl. We have seen that also. She is very guarded and puts her head down when she doesn't want something and pushes it away. She was mostly just taking in everything yesterday with those big eyes. She definately lets you know what she wants though! She took my hand yesterday and put it on the bowl of Cheerios to get the lid off! She loves bananas and when we were waiting for dinner yesterday, she saw one and kept pointing and coming back to it. She loves noodles too which is pretty fun to watch her eat them. I think Rich will put some pictures of her eating them.
When we went on Monday to finish the final paperwork for the province, we met again with the orphanage director. She tried to hold Cece, but Cece held on to me and put her head down on my shoulder(first time she did this!). I felt sooooo good, like shes starting to warm up to mommy! Yay! She is definately warming up to Rich! He's gotten many smiles and she fell asleep on him a few times! I can't wait till she shows us her sunny side again, like when she was playing on Monday with us. She was so alive and funny! Spinning around in circles on her tushy and laughing. Hope for what is to come with our precious daughter!
Well, my husband wants to go to breakfast. Cece is still sleeping even through the thunder and lightening outside. We are going to take in some of the local history today, the Teng Wang Pavillion. Love to all, especially Abby and Jiji. We miss you and are praying for you. Will write more later, Karen

Cece's new toy!

Glad to be at Pizza Hut! (She loves pizza)

Noodle time!

Happy time back home!

Give me that remote and get out of my way (Hey Abby and Jiji, you were right about Cece and the TV remotes)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Gettin' use to the new faces of Mama and Papa...

Good morning everyone,

Thanks for all of the support, prayers, and comments, we love hearing from you. It doesn't matter how little you have to say, we love it all!

Cece has been a little polar today (not too surprising), at times she is very reserved and quiet, and at times she is a rolly-polly bundle of googling, cooing baby girl. I think that she knows we are OK, but she is still wondering when the others are coming back to get her and take her home. She is very observant. If she wants something she grabs it right away. If she doesn't want something she reaches out and pushes it away as far as she can reach. So far the main things that she wants nothing to do with is anything in a baby bottle (except water). That means no formula, rice cereal, or milk. Oh well, we are restocked in potato chips, cheerios, bananas, and bottled water.

She continues to impress us in the short 24 hours that we have been with her. As her real personality continues to come out we see more and more the beauty that lies within her as well as on the outside.

I brought the wrong cable or I would download a few videos for you to enjoy. Perhaps I can find one here somewhere.

I've really enjoyed being here. The people are very kind and generous, as well as curious and inquisitive. Yesterday, Karen and I found ourselves in a tea house enjoying some really tasty tea. When the wonderful lady asked us if we wanted to buy something she told us that 100 grams of the tea cost about 2,800 yuan ($400 us dollars). I am guessing that we drank about $50 worth just trying to get over the language barrier. Well, after shopping at Walmart-China, you can imagine the sticker shock we were experiencing. Well, we began looking for the 10 pound box Chinese tea for 3 dollars. Needless to say, we never found that there, but we did find a small sack with about 25 pumpkin seeds that had been soaked in the expensive green tea. We are hoping to find someone who likes green tea pumpkin seeds to give it to very soon as we only got it to feel better about drinking all of there expensive tea. Come to think of it, we should have known something was up when they served us the tea in shot glass size cups.

Anyway, sorry for my rambling. I will close for now knowing that Jesus is so good and faithful to each of us. He is here with us at the same time that He is there with you, it makes me feel not so far from home thinking about that. I'll add a few pics from today below. Just so that you know, we finished the paperwork that makes her ours according to the country of China today! Yahoo!!!

Blessings everyone and thanks again for your love and support. We love you all.

Rich, Karen, and Cece

PS - A special love shout out to Abby and Jiji! We love and miss you very much. You are gonna love watching Cece play, she makes us laugh so much. She is so lucky to have such wonderful sisters. I am so lucky to have such wonderful daughters who I can't wait to hold and kiss. Special thanks to Uncle Rob and Aunty Ruth for loving and caring for them during these days. Our prayers are with you.

Sleeping in Mom and Dad's bed (at least she doesn't smack me in her sleep like Jiji)

Chillin' with Mom during one of our crazy car rides (Karen usually keeps her eyes closed during these trips)

The first of many smiles (check out all of those teeth)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Here she is Part 2 (live and unrehearsed)

Well, she showed up at our door at about 3:35 pm (Nanchang time), crying, looking lost, and not giving any sign of happiness. The orphanage director brought her in and pretty much left her with us (that's how it is done when you are by yourself.

Anyway, 4 hours later, she ate a couple of potato chips, a little rice cereal, and was eyeballing my cola. Now that she filled up on potato chips (she is after all a Hanson), she is sound asleep in her crib. Check out the photos for yourself. I am off to bed so that I can be fresh when she wakes up a 1:30 am hungry (by the way, I'm out of chips and open for suggestions).

What an incredible day. Check out some photos at the end of this entry!

Blessings everyone,

Rich and Karen

2 angels, one happy and one not so happy

The first of many such nights. I love being a dad!

35 minutes into the first nights sleep with us and all is well! Goodnight my special angel.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

One hour until Cece is with us in person!!!

It has been along road that has brought us to these few moments that will result with our dear sweet child in our arms. At times it seemed like time was going so slow, but the journey has been so wonderful. We have been touched by the generosity of so many friends and family. This is what it is all about, in this world we must be here for each other. Whether it is to give a child a home, help with a move, encourage each other, or just to utter the words, "I love you and am so blessed to know you", life is so short and full of moments to reach out and help each other and even others who we do not yet know.

From China, it is easy to see just how similar we are as members of the human race. Each of us are given the ability to smile, to touch, to love and to be loved. I wish that you could all be here with us. The people are so wonderful, so accepting, so encouraging, so amazing. Each of them, that we have spoken with are so thankful for what we are doing for Cece. They in turn are amazed when we tell them about the others who have helped us to accomplish this monumental act of love.

Thank you does not begin to communicate what I would like each of you to know. You each hold a special place in my heart and my prayers. Yet again, you each have touched me at a deeper place in my heart and have shown me the depth of the human ability to give, serve, and love.

I can't wait until this wonderful child can show you that your support, your faith, and your trust and selflessness have been returned a hundred fold just by the smile and love that she will give. It is moments like this that I am blessed to see the hope that exists even in a country so far removed from the that we live in. So for now I must end this message with the growing anticipation of holding my newest child in my arms and watching her grow into the child that God intended her to be from the beginning of time.

I love each of you and hope someday to repay you in some small way for joining Karen in I in believing that this child will be worth the sacrifice, time, and patience that it has taken to get us to this moment.

May God bless each of you with the knowledge that you are loved.


PS - Cece, Daddy and Mommy are ready for you to walk through that door and into our arms!

July 4th (Well July 5th here)

We hope everyone's 4th of July was safe and colorful! It was relatively uneventful in Nanchang. We took a long walk through town checking out shops and and having an occasional McDonald's ice cream (about 25 cents without the chocolate topping). It was about 95 degrees here today and the humidity was incredible.

I think that we are just about over our jet lag, we both got about 7 hours of sleep last night. Breakfast was interesting. Eggs, bacon, something like sausage, toast (the best choice for food without worrying). After those choices comes such Chinese favorites as bean curds, sauteed eggplant, smoked fish, hard boiled eggs that have blue yokes, and so on. So far, we have not ran into food that we could not eat because of the taste, but Karen has ran into food that she would not even try.

For dinner, we have eaten at the same place both nights. The food was really good (I like the spicy foods best). When you first come into the place, there are about 6 women dress up like brides maids in red satin dresses to greet you. They then take you to your table and give you a big book (menu) with a lot of pictures of different food inside. The only thing that they can help with is whether the food is spicy or not.

Mom is sleeping away behind me so I will need to shut this off for tonight. I will try to add a couple of pictures for you to see.

Abby and Jiji, thank you for your E-mails. Mom and I miss you so much and are sending you hugs and prayers all day long. We have found a couple of fun things to bring back to you besides your new sister.

Dear Crows and Macks, thank you so very much for loving and taking care of our precious daughters. We are forever indebted to you for your selflessness and care of our precious children.

May God bless and keep you all safe, happy and healthy.


Rich (AKA Daddy)

This is a photo of women helping Mom buy conditioner at the local Walmart (Karen's favorite Nanchang store)

This is a photo taken out of our hotel room at about 6:30 in the morning. Lots of barges (big ships) and traffic on the streets. The population of Nanchang is between 3 and 4 million (including Cecilia).

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

We stayed at a very nice hotel in Guangzhou last night and enjoyed the swimming pool this morning. We missed playing with the girls though, knowing that they would have had a ball! Then we were off to our final destination to Nanchang to get our daughter! First impression of Nanchang was that it was very green with a lot of agriculture. (That is the outerlaying area of the city. ) They receive many days of rain here. Also, it is very hot, at least 90 with humidity! It is a large city with over 2.2 million people here. Lots of new buildings around the city. Our guide, Mary, is a very sweet, gentle lady who has talked Rich out of going to see some historical mountains since they were 2.5 hours away. She gave us some great local information and even managed to get us the, "big room", at the hotel which overlooks the Gan river(which runs through town). She also gave us the most important information- when we will meet our daughter- This Sunday at 3:30!!!! She said they will bring her to the hotel. This is so different than when we went came to China last time. Two more days and then I can hold my sweet, little girl! It's hard to wait especially knowing that she is in this same city! Well, now we are going to go out to dinner and try some of the local cuisine. Mary says it is spicy, just the way Rich likes it. Please give the girls a big hug and kiss for us!
I don't think we will be watching any fireworks tonight, so enjoy them for us. Add a few, "Ooohs and Ahhhhs" for us. Writing to you from a Communist country, it is easy to be thankful for living in America in freedom. Say a prayer of thanks and a little prayer for us.
Love, Karen and Rich

Thursday, July 3, 2008

We are in China!

Just a quick note to let you know that we just arrived in Guangzhou, China. We will be back here to swear in Cecilia in a few days, but first we will spend a few in Nanchang getting our dear child. Abby and Jiji, we love and miss you very, very much. Thank you all for your prayers and support. It was a long day, but a good day.
We love each of you, R & K

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Interview with Karen

Buddy H. signing back on to post for all those who need to know the news now! Today I am back on the spot with Karen H. as she gets ready to leave for China in almost 12 hours!

BH: When did you get the last picture of your daughter?
KH: The pictures were taken last November. That was over 7 months ago. I think she has changed a bit.
BH: What do you think your daughter will look like?
KH: Beautiful, a big heart and a large smile!! Oh, and one dimple!
BH: How many teeth will she have?
KH: 4 on the top and 2 on the bottom
BH: What will her hair look like?
KH: Straight hair that falls just above her ears.
BH: What will her favorite food be?
KH: Scrambled eggs and Jello Jigglers.
BH: What will her 1st word be?
KH: Mama, of course!
BH: What will she like to do?
KH: Smile at mom, sing with mom, dance with mom!
Bh: How many layers will she have on when you receive her?
KH: 3
BH: What joke will you tell her to make her laugh?
KH: Knock, knock. Who's there? Boo. Boo who? Don't cry,it's alright!
BH: What will you do when you 1st see her?
KH: Hug her , squeeze her and kiss her!

You heard it first here folks! Rich and Karen will be leaving for China soon. They will keep you updated as soon as possible. As for now, this is Buddy H. signing off. Ruff!

Interview with Rich

This is Buddy H. back at the H. household getting ready to interview Rich about his upcoming addition.

BH: What do you think your new daughter will look like?
RH: An angel.
BH: Will she have wings?
RH: Yes, but only dads can see them.
BH: How much hair will she have?
RH: As much as I do!
BH: What will her favorite food be?
RH: Macaroni and Cheese and Mickey Mouse Shaped Pancakes!
BH: What will her first words be?
RH: Daddy!
BH: What will she like to do?
RH: Climb mountains with dad.
BH: HOw many layers will she have on when you get her?
RH: Too many!
BH: What joke will you tell her to make her laugh?
RH: Knock, knock. Who's there? Bear. Bear who? Bear bottom, now go get your diaper on!
BH: What will you do when you 1st meet her?
RH: I'll be behind the camera catching mom's tears of joy!

Well, that about wraps it up here. Stayed tuned for mom H.
As for me, this is Buddy H. signing off. Ruff!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Interview with A.H.

This is star reporter Buddy back at the job. Today I am interviewing A.H. Read on for this once in a lifetime interview!
BH: What do you think your littlest sister will look like?
AH: She'll look just like J.H..
BH: How big will she be?
AH: She will be up to the table
BH: How many teeth will she have?
AH: Maybe 9
BH: How many fingers and toes?
AH: 10 fingers and 10 toes
BH: What will her hair look like?
AH: A little black. A little at the top and straight.
BH: What color will her eyes be?
AH: The same color as yours Buddy-Black!
BH: What will her favorite food be?
AH: Noodles and eggs
BH: What will her 1st word be?
AH: Maybe Bud Bud!
BH: How many layers will she have on when her mother gets her?
AH: 13
BH: What joke will you tell her to make her laugh?
AH: Why does the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side!
BH: What will you do when you first see her?
AH: I'll say "Hi" and smile at her.

That wraps up another exciting interview from the H clan. Stay tuned for more interviews tomorrow. As for me, this is Buddy, star reporter, signing off. RuFF!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Interview with J. H.

This is Buddy, ace reporter, with an exclusive interview with J.H.
BH: What do you think your little sister will look like?
JH: She will have blond hair at first, black eyes like me and have probably 4 teeth. Her hair will be short like dad's hair. She will be this big(spreading hands apart about 18 inches).
BH: What kind of food will she like?
JH: Bananas and Cheerios
BH: How many fingers will she have?
JH: 5
BH: How many toes will she have?
JH: 4
BH: Will she be chubby or skinny?
JH: Skinny.
BH: What do you think her first word will be?
JH: Mama
BH: How many layers of clothes will she have on when your mom first gets her?
JH: 19
BH: What's her favorite toy?
JH: Curly crab- up in her room
BH: What joke will you tell her to make her laugh?
JH: How does a bear get up a tree? He climbs it! Ha, Ha!
Well folks, that about wraps it up for the night. Tune in tomorrow for the next exciting interview with Abby. Signing off for now this is Buddy, star reporter.RUFF

Friday, June 27, 2008

Star Reporter Buddy to Interview the H's!

This is Buddy H. reporting live from the H.Household where Rich and Karen are busy packing for China. I will be interviewing each of the family before they leave for China. Please tune in tomorrow for the riveting interview with Jianna on what her new sister will be like!
As for me, this is star reporter Buddy signing off. Ruff!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Goodbye to a good friend...

Just a short note to say goodbye and thank you to a very special friend that God has brought into our life and now has returned to Japan. Mami Tonsho came to America to help teach 1st grade at Assumption Parish School. We first met her Christmas of 2007 while she was staying with another family. She immediately made a wonderful impact on our family. She moved into our house in February and remained with us until June 21st. Our house feels a little empty without her. She had a wonderful smile and was very helpful. She worked hard to help the 1st graders learn about Japan, and she was a good ambassador for her country.

She left a mark on each of us with her kind words, gentle heart, and generosity. We pray that she will know just how much we love and miss her, and that God will lead her in all her days to come.

It has been good to have Mami here joining in our excitement of bringing Cecilia home. We will be glad to tell Cece all about her biggest sister from Japan. And we hope some day that we can all see each other to relive, laugh, and remember the precious few days that we spent together and enjoyed each others company.

We love you and miss you Mami!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Here she is!

We can't wait to meet her! What will she be like?
(Just trying out this site, to see how to add photos, etc.)

Getting ready to go!

Hi Friends and Family,
We have officially received our travel approval to pick up our daughter Cecilia! We will be leaving on July 2nd and returning on the 17th of July. We are going to try to use this site to let you know how things are going. We are so excited!
Karen and Rich